Princess Cut Engagement Rings 101 : Your Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Ring

Are you on the lookout for something to wear on your finger when you finally serve a proposal? The best option could be a princess cut ring. An engagement ring made with a princess cut diamond is best known for its unique square shape and irresistible sparkle, which makes it one of the most renowned styles. In this guide, we’ll discuss all there is to know about diamond princess cut rings—from where they originated from and their defining characteristics—down to what things you would have to look at if you want to make a great selection.

What is a princess cut diamond ?

A diamond in princess cut can either be square or rectangular in shape with pointed angles and dazzling faceting aimed at enhancing its brilliance. It was first presented around the 1960s before eventually achieving great acceptance; today, it comes second only to round brilliant as far as being the most preferred style of diamonds is concerned. An average princess cut ring contains 57 to 58 facets, which make it shine like no other popular diamond types do.

The History of Princess Cut Rings

In the 1960s, a princess cut was created as a more modern substitute for the classical round diamond. It took several years for it to gain prominence, but come the 1980s, then we had princess cut rings that perfectly combined new-age design with old-time gleam. For this reason, this engagement ring is quite different from others; it has an unusual shape, and its light reflection capability adds further distinction to it.

Why Choose a Princess Cut Diamond Ring ?

Diamond princess cut rings are the best-noted option for rings of engagement for some reasons below :

  • Versatility : Princess cut diamonds can fit with different designs of rings, ranging from simple ones through to intricate halos or vintage patterns.
  • Affordability : Generally speaking, princess cuts are cheaper than their round counterparts because they have less waste during cutting; hence, they come at lower prices per carat.
  • A Glimmering Sparkle : The princess gemstone has several facets, allowing it to reflect light and shine brightly wherever you go.
  • Modern Look : If you want something more modern than a mere princess cut diamond ring, then this will be your choice as it creates an elegant yet trendy effect.

Popular Princess Cut Engagement Ring Settings

Your princess cut ring may be made to seem remarkably different by the way in which you set it. Below are some of the different settings that go along with a diamond princess cut ring :

  • Setting Solitaire : This among many jewelry lovers is common because it’s simple yet elegant. The prongs of this setting can be placed in such a way that they emphasize the sharp corners of the diamond and thus its symmetry.
  • Three-Stone Setting : Three-stone princess cut rings have a central stone with two other smaller diamonds on either side. The three diamonds in a woman’s engagement ring represent her past, present, and future.
  • Halo Setting : With this setting, there are smaller gems around a central princess cut diamond that increase what we call intensity (brightness). It’s perfect if you want a little extra shine without drawing attention away from the main diamond.
  • Channel Set : Channel set rings have tiny jewels embedded into their bands, which blend well with the precise lines of the princess cuts.
  • Bezel Setting : This more contemporary or safe method holds a piece of metal around the stone, making it less prone to scratches.

The Benefits of Choosing a Princess Cut Diamond

Engagement rings often feature the princess cut diamond for several reasons :

  • Exceptional Brilliance : Its many facets make it able to reflect light so as to maximize its sparkle, betraying equal brilliance to that of a princess cut.
  • Affordable : Since they lose less weight from their original rough stone while being cut, they usually cost less than round-cut diamonds.
  • Modern Touch : The geometric shape of this type of princess cut diamond ring gives it a fresh look but still keeps an appeal that does not fade over time.

How to Choose the Perfect Princess Cut Engagement Ring

What you should look for in selecting the Princess cut ring :

  • Diamond Quality : Always remember the 4Cs (cut, clarity, color, and carat weight) to ensure that you are buying a high-quality diamond. The sparkle of the diamond largely depends on its shape, especially if it’s a princess cut; therefore, make sure you select one whose cut grade is excellent.
  • Carat Weight : Although larger stones may look nicer than smaller ones, carat weight is not all when talking about the beauty of a stone. Go for smaller ones with beautiful sparkles because of their good cutting quality.
  • Setting Style : The princess cut diamond is highly influenced by the type of setting used. Find out what your partner looks better wearing among solitaire or halo settings or even channel settings.
  • Metal choice : The ring can be made from different kinds of metals, such as platinum, white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold. These metals have their own appearance, so pick one that goes well with both the princess cut shape and also what your partner likes.
  • Budget : Lastly, do something realistic in terms of money. The princess cut diamond is one that is most affordable among others, thus making it easier to have a nice ring within your budget.

Comparing princess cut and oval diamond engagement rings

Should you experience a dilemma in selecting between various shapes of diamonds, for example, when deciding on either a princess cut or oval diamond engagement rings, it is necessary to regard the significant distinctions :

  • Princess Cut : Provides a contemporary appearance with angular lines and corners that are square or rectangular. The brilliance is very high due to its acute angles and multiple facets.
  • Oval Diamond Engagement Rings : Present a lengthier aspect, making one’s fingers appear thin and long. However, oval stones also have immense brightness, although this time around there is more gentleness in them compared to their prickly cousins’ forms, namely the princess cut.

Each shape of a diamond has its charm; therefore, it becomes an issue of personal taste instead.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, elegance, modern style, and bright sparkles are combined perfectly in a princess cut diamond ring. The preference may differ: some are attracted by its sleek square-shaped appearance while others find it versatile in many ways; however, one thing is for certain: this piece of jewelry will always remain a timeless yet contemporary choice for couples wishing to get engaged.

At Eterno, we have a wide variety of princess cut rings that will meet your specifications on love symbols. We cater for all tastes and budgets through our classic solitaires or the halo designs available in our collection. In addition to other alternatives, such as oval diamond engagement rings, remember that there are some experts here who would be able to help you make an informed choice about your desires for your special day.

Peruse through our selection now and pick out that unique one you want to wear for a lifetime.


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